OpenCV related DLL in MinGW & VC 2005 Express
I used to MATLAB programming for a long time. I began to find an alternative when the limitations of it arise. I had focused on mixed programming which is still an interest of me. Using C/C++,Fortran,Lisp become a choice when I evaluated various integrated software environments more or less. OpenCV is a wonderful package for image processing and computer vision both in Widnows and in Linux. Linux has a much easier mechanism to develop and use shared library (dynamically linked library) than that in windows. I had planned use Linux as my working platform substituting windows for a long time. But even now I had to return to windows for some work because the surrounding environment is full of date and formats created with products of M$. Fortunately there are lots of Linux tools which can be used in Windows. MingGW is on
set path=f:\mingw\bin;%path% rem mingw32 is used to produce shared library in windowsxp. test.c is the first simple source to succeed. f:\mingw\bin\gcc -shared -DBUILDING_DLL -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cxcore\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cv\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cvaux\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\ml\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui" test.c -L"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib" -lcxcore -lcv -lcvaux -lml -lhighgui -o rem test1.c is the complete source to create dll with opencv library. Function "main" can be imported from newlisp. f:\mingw\bin\g++ -shared -DBUILDING_DLL -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cxcore\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cv\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cvaux\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\ml\include" -I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui" test1.cpp -L"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib" -lcxcore -lcv -lcvaux -lml -lhighgui -o rem msvc2005express is used to produce dll cl /LD /nologo /ML /EHsc /D"_MBCS" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cxcore\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cv\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cvaux\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\ml\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui" /I"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include" test1.cpp /link /libpath:"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib" /libpath:"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\lib" cxcore.lib cv.lib cvaux.lib ml.lib highgui.lib rem msvc2005express can produce a dll directly from the original source of bezier.cpp, but ther is no funciton can be exported and invoked by other program while mingw32 refused to produce such a dll. cl /LD /nologo /ML /EHsc /D"_MBCS" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cxcore\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cv\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\cvaux\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\ml\include" /I"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui" /I"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include" bezier.cpp /link /libpath:"F:\Program Files\OpenCV\lib" /libpath:"F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\lib" cxcore.lib cv.lib cvaux.lib ml.lib highgui.lib
end of comp.bat
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# define DLLIMPORT __declspec (dllexport) ... DLLIMPORT int main(int argc, char* argv[]) ...
end of test1.c
in newLISP "main" function can be imp